
Let’s re-design our places that we will fall in love all over again..

As stated, when we fill a house with love, it becomes a home. When we do things with love, we tend to feel a sense of purpose and belonging. Basically, sometimes all we need is love. So, let’s spread love everywhere we go and every place we live.

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Modern and/or Vintage?

We may fall in love with modern design But, beyond any doubts, traditional view and antique style enrich our lives. Maybe because they trigger emotions or maybe because they make us feel exclusive and timeless, some details and reflections remind what it was like before.. So, why don’t we mix and match modern style with vintage elements and see what happens?

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Let’s make a meaningful difference for animal welfare..

At HomesDizayn LLC, we are excited to continue our business journey through supporting #animalwelfare as a dedication of our love and an indicator of our #corporatesocialresponsibility. Let’s make a meaningful difference for our planet through leaving a positive impact on animals and getting our families and friends involved.

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We attend Turkish-Arab Eco. Coop. Summit. Visit Us #123.

Let's Build Together! We believe that these organizations connects continents and cultures. We hope to #design and build a better future through promising communications and strategic cooperations.

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2022 Interior Design Trends

As we entered 2022, it's time to start planning how to make our lives better and remarkable.. Beyond any doubts, 2022 will enrich and enhance our lives through #minimalism enhancing our lives with less, #idealhomeoffices ensuring functionality, practicality, aesthetics, #inspirationfromnature focusing on #sustainability and #natural elements.. Stay tuned for interior design trends of 2022 and our suggestions that will make your living and working areas more beautiful, stylish and functional.

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We look for successful and innovative students..

Architecture / Interior Architecture (3rd - 4th grade) students will have a chance to join our team and make a difference in projects before graduating. Contact us to learn more..

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You will get valuable information that will make your life easier..

Our followers will reach remarkable details and suggestions through our youtube videos and webinars towards how to live and do business abroad etc. Stay Tuned to learn more..

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